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German Major
In order to understand better and deepen mutual friendship between Germany, the school has formed a sisterhood relationship with Hainberg Gymnasium since 1994 and students and teachers visit each school annually. During FOLA festival, students present folk dances and songs that containing German culture. Students have participated in various foreign language competitions and have made achievements.
Deutsche Abteilung - Deutsch steht wie zuvor im Zentrum der akademischen Sprachen

Um Deutsch besser zu verstehen und freundlichen Umgang mit deutschen Schülern zu pflegen, hat DFLHS im Jahr 1994 eine Schwesternschaft mit Hainberg Gymnasium in Göttingen aufgebaut. Jedes Jahr besuchen die Schüler und Lehrer der beiden Schulen gegenseitig, und zudem kann man im Juli traditionelle deutsche Volktanz und Lieder in FOLA erleben. Dadurch liefern die Schüler der DFLHS bester Ergebnisse in verschiedenen Fremdsprachenweltbewerben.


French Major
French, a language that makes the most beautiful sounds based on its best culture and art, science and rational thoughts. French major of Daewon gather to compete with each other and build beautiful friendships. During FOLA festival, the French folk dance brings out the loudestcheer. Students achieve outstanding results at the annual foreign language competition.
Département de la langue française - La France, pays des arts, de philosophie et de science.

Dans notre département, nous apprenons l'excellence de la langue française à travers son art et sa culture dont sa valeur est reconnue dans le monde entier.
C'est un lieu ou de brillants étudiants perfectionnent le français tout en apprenant à s'entraider et à partager l'amitié.
Pendant la fete de FOLA qui a lieu en juillet, nous présentons des danses traditionnelles françaises qui connaissent un énorme succès.
Nous obtenons aussi d'excellents résultats aux différents concours de français qui ont lieu chaque année.


Spanish Major
Spanish is one of the most spoken international languages, spoken not only in Spain, but also in Latin America. After South Korea-Chile signed Free trade agreement, a number of Korea has been exporting Korean products towards Central and South America. Korean wave is affecting the opposite side of the earth, Central and South America. Students in the Spanish department perform a Spanish folk dances, such as the Flamenco and a Mexican folk dance, Jalisco at the FOLA festival each year. Juniors take part in a variety of foreign language competitions to show their hard-work and talents in Spanish.
Español - España, el país del sol.

El español no solo es la lengua oficial de España, sino también de toda Hispanoamérica, además de ser considerado el idioma internacional má́s usado después del inglés. Tras firmarse el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre Corea del Sur y Chile, un gran numero de productos coreanos se exportan a los países hispanoamericanos. Así pues, la ola coreana (Hallyu) ha conseguido llegar hasta la otra punta del mundo.
En el festival FOLA se puede disfrutar de una demostracion del famoso baile flamenco español y del jalisco mexicano por parte de los alumnos del departamento.
Asimismo, los estudiantes son capaces de demostrar su destacable dominio del español participando en diversas competiciones de lenguas extranjeras y presentándose a los exámenes DELE (Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera).



Chinese Major
World¡¯s most used language, Chinese. Chinese major established sisterhood relationship with Chinese schools, such as Beijing University Middle and High School, Shanghai University's Sangdum Experiment School to promote the exchange of Chinese language skills and education methods.

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English Major
English Language Major - The United States of America, Land of Freedom and Opportunity

In an era of globalization, English ability is the most competitive language for a country. Through various English literary education, students will have high level of English language proficiency needed to develop into global leaders.